The training programs offered, have been designed by the Academy with a holistic understanding of success, its various facets and pre-requisites. This, combined with the expertise of the trainers and corporate leaders is the perfect recipe for achieving success at various points in one’s career.



As suggested in its name, the Succeed at School program teaches knowledge, moulds aWtudes and behavior to students, ultimately focusing on academic, career and socio-emotional development. It also helps them form healthy goals, mindsets and guide in making informed and right career choices. Additionally, it also helps them build basic skills such as perseverance, time management by practicing study skills and developing self-motivation and self-direction.

Who can enroll

This program is targeted at Higher Secondary school students (Class 10 and 12) as a foundation for their success in the future.

Program Highlights

The program covers supports academic development, consequently working on life skills that look towards collage and career readiness and emotional intelligence. It has been carefully curated keeping in mind the ideas, opinions and strategies of parents, teachers, educators and employers. Other than this, the implementation and evaluation is also handled by experiences and respected academicians. The two main programs are listed here.

Finding The Hero in You Program

Class 10 Students

How choices and decisions shape your futuure
Identifying your skill sets
Finding your passion
Goal setting and time management
10 habits of successful students
Importance of physical and mental health
Inspiring lessons to learn from achievers

Dreaming the Right Dreams Program

Class 12 students

How choices and decisions shape your future
The NEW AGE career choices (Eg.Data mining)
Matching your skills with the right career
Goal setting and time management
10 habits of successful students
Using peer pressure to your advantage
Importance of physical and mental health
Inspiring lessons to learn fro prominent achievers